Being at SPPR, Inc.

Jarred Hopkins
Date: December 7, 2012 Categories: Blog Comments: No Comments Share:

From Jarred Hopkins


One would have many assumptions about an entertainment public relations agency based in Los Angeles, CA.  I envisioned “too busy” bosses along with snarky co-workers watching your every move to celebrate your failures and downplay your successes.  It felt like the first day of high school all over again.  Would they like me?  Am I going to mess up?  Would I have to sit through months and months of comparisons to the guy who previously held my position?  Geez…I hoped not.

Instead, I was greeted by an eclectic group of people complete with a superstar dancer, good ole-fashioned Midwestern girl, snazzy fashionista, a guy with interesting snack taste, a row-team Brooklyn girl, Beethoven’s baking owner, a cycling mom-to-be,  a Floridian with a taste in dancehall music and a vice president with one of the most contagious laughs I have ever heard.

This interesting mix of people was not quite what I had imagined.  I was glad that the SPPR team did not meet my expectations.  I knew that my experience here would be one I would come to cherish.  Explaining to my friends and family the awesomeness of my new co-workers was quite difficult.  My mom couldn’t grasp why someone would eat Thanksgiving flavored ice-cream, while my college friend begged me to introduce her to a real Madonna dancer.

I am earning my chops!  I have logged the man-hours at DVD signings, movie screenings and charity events.  My feet may be sore, but my heart remains warm.  Through it all, I am glad that my first “grown up” job is here at SPPR, Inc. While I know this is not the ending point in my fresh career, having a strong start makes all of the difference.  I can’t help but to smile when I walk through the SPPR, Inc. doors.  I feel right at home.

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